Tweets about #digitalart
Tweets about "digital photography"
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Monday, December 1, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Making Digital Art an Accepted Art Form
The Express Tribune
New horizons: When art speaks from within
The Express Tribune
“My aim is to try and make digital art an accepted art form,” said the engineer-turned-artist, who takes inspiration from the late renowned painter Ismail ...
Toledo Blade
TMA conference on 'visual literacy'
Toledo Blade
In this increasingly digital world, we sometimes focus more on images and less ... As the Toledo Museum of Art puts it “Words are so last millennium.”.
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Monday, November 17, 2014
Digital Photography, Madrid Digital Arts Museum
Snapper's decisions: Whatever happened to REAL photography?
Feature Gradually and quietly, there has been a revolution in photography which has seen traditional film eclipsed by digital techniques.
Reno Gazette Journal
A creative collective for photographers hatches in Reno
Competition Winners Announced for Madrid Digital Arts Museum
A team of architects from Rome have been announced as winners of CTRL+SPACE's ideas competition for a digital arts museum in central Madrid.
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Monday, November 10, 2014
Harvard Art Museums, Art, Digital
Boston Globe
Expansion unveiled at Harvard Art Museums
Boston Globe
Interactive graphic: Making Harvard's art accessible ... 1970s, and now restored to their original color via state-of-the-art digital projection technology.
Boston Globe
Art's Shining Future
Harvard Gazette
Piano’s design allows visitors to stop in and enjoy the museums’ courtyard, shop, and cafe. While there, visitors can sample the eclectic items on view in the museums’ public spaces — from an ornate series of Romanesque capitals to a dynamic digital photography installation on 12 monitors by the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. “Maybe if this building becomes another step,” said Piano, “another little brick in the construction of this idea — that beauty can save the world — then I will be happy.” Read more at the links above
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Monday, November 3, 2014
Personalized 3D Printed Camera Covers, Digital Art
Panasonic Introduces Personalized 3D Printed Camera Covers for Lumix Cameras
In the world of photography, it was at one point simply enough to have the ... serious about the art have tried a variety of tactics to distinguish themselves from the 'mere' hobbyist. ... “The idea of using 3D Printing in customization of Lumix digital still cameras is something we've been watching closely.
Second annual Art and Algorithms Festival in Titusville
News 13 Orlando
City leaders hope others who check out the second annual Arts and ... it's a celebration of digital art, with giant projections and interactive exhibits.
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Monday, October 27, 2014
Augmented Reality, Digital Works, Digital Imagery
The New Museum Installs an Augmented-Reality Window by Artist Claudia Hart
Viewers can uncover different layers of content through their smartphones, with digital works that will pop up as their phones scan the work.
Montgomery Advertiser
Arts briefs
Las Cruces Sun-News
"Art from Science": Digital imagery of Leigh Anne Langwell and Patrick .... sculpture, woodcuts and linocuts, photography, retables and weaving. Free.
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Monday, October 20, 2014
Graffiti, Copyright, Digital Art
Can Graffiti Be Copyrighted? - The Atlantic: "“As a matter of American law, the bar is very low” for obtaining copyright for visual art, explains Jeanne Fromer, a co-director of the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy at New York University School of Law. Fromer says there are only two requirements for an artwork to be eligible for copyright: It must be composed in a fixed medium and it must be original (which she described as more creative than an alphabetized phonebook)."

Greenwich Time
For the Record
Greenwich Time
Two Red Men, created by a semi-anonymous Greenwich artist, get their kicks and mixed media, as well as new works in the digital art ...
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Greenwich Time
For the Record
Greenwich Time
Two Red Men, created by a semi-anonymous Greenwich artist, get their kicks and mixed media, as well as new works in the digital art ...
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Monday, October 13, 2014
FotoFocus, Digital Photography
Our guide: All eyes on FotoFocus
FotoFocus was created to celebrate all forms of lens-based art by ... curator and curator of photography at the Cincinnati Art Museum; and Raphaela Platow, ... of the population engages with online digital content that's photo-derived.
Photographer's life blends Science and Art
Morning Star
“Moving to the shadow of Olympic National Park and the upswing in digital capabilities in photography rekindled my interest. The ease with which ...
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Monday, October 6, 2014
Ikea, Computer Generated Imagery, Digital Art Frames
75% Of Ikea’s Catalog Is Computer Generated Imagery | Co.Design | business + design:
"....Ikea has made the shift to a majority-CG catalog in just eight years, and it seems that a decent chunk of that 25% holdout consists of creative set pieces that aren't part of Ikea's stock, though even some of that has been going digital, too. The company credits a cross-discipline approach to the quick transition. In the early days of CG at Ikea, the CG artists learned studio photography, and the photographers on staff learned 3-D rendering software. A sensitivity to real-world conditions grounds what could be cold, lifeless computer-based imagery...." Read more here.
Computer-generated imagery - Wikipedia: "Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, films, television programs, commercials, videos, and simulators. The visual scenes may be dynamic or static, and may be two-dimensional (2D), though the term "CGI" is most commonly used to refer to 3D computer graphics used for creating scenes or special effects in films and television. They can also be used by a home user and edited together on programs such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie."

Canviz digital art frame brings animated portraits to your living room
SlashGear-Sep 13, 2014
Digital picture frames have been around for a while, but we've seen products in recent times that aim to take them a step farther, making them ...
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"....Ikea has made the shift to a majority-CG catalog in just eight years, and it seems that a decent chunk of that 25% holdout consists of creative set pieces that aren't part of Ikea's stock, though even some of that has been going digital, too. The company credits a cross-discipline approach to the quick transition. In the early days of CG at Ikea, the CG artists learned studio photography, and the photographers on staff learned 3-D rendering software. A sensitivity to real-world conditions grounds what could be cold, lifeless computer-based imagery...." Read more here.
Computer-generated imagery - Wikipedia: "Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, films, television programs, commercials, videos, and simulators. The visual scenes may be dynamic or static, and may be two-dimensional (2D), though the term "CGI" is most commonly used to refer to 3D computer graphics used for creating scenes or special effects in films and television. They can also be used by a home user and edited together on programs such as Windows Movie Maker or iMovie."
Canviz digital art frame brings animated portraits to your living room
SlashGear-Sep 13, 2014
Digital picture frames have been around for a while, but we've seen products in recent times that aim to take them a step farther, making them ...
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Monday, September 29, 2014
Digital Art, Digital Creativity
6 Projects From the Frontier of Digital Art
Wired-Aug 20, 2014
The Barbican's Digital Revolution is a celebration of digital creativity from the 1960s to today. Here you see Chris Milk's "The Treachery of ... (read more at link above)
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Monday, September 22, 2014
Digital Art, Transfer Gallery (video)
New York News Brooklyn
Digital art at Transfer Gallery 9, 2014
Those curious about this growing form of creativity and expression are likely to see more and more digital art pieces in prominent display at ...
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Digital art at Transfer Gallery 9, 2014
Those curious about this growing form of creativity and expression are likely to see more and more digital art pieces in prominent display at ...
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Monday, September 15, 2014
Australia, Gold Coast, Timelapse
Australia's Gold Coast - Timelapse from SCIENTIFANTASTIC on Vimeo.
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"Australia's Gold Coast" was shot by Joe Capra (scientifantastic) over a two week period on the Gold Coast of Queensland Australia, and was produced for Gold Coast Tourism
Camera Gear:
3 Canon 5DIII Cameras with various Canon lenses
Dynamic Perception -
eMotimo -
Performed and written by Fairchild
Published by Ink Music Publishing Pty Ltd
©Ink Music Publishing 2014
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Monday, September 8, 2014
Digital Photography, Photoshop, ISS Earth Photos
The Moderate Voice
Things you can do that you couldn't before digital photography and Photoshop!
The Moderate Voice
In an attempt to salvage the photo I used Photoshop to turn it into a color night scene and replaced the white sky with a partly cloudy full moon sky.
Digital Trends
Awesome online map shows off ISS astronauts' amazing Earth photos
Digital Trends
If you're a fan of aerial imagery, you've probably already got a list of sites tucked away in your bookmarks that you jump to during your downtime.
Arab-Swiss cultural exchange goes digital
The photos, symbolically in black & white, depict scenes which can be ... It has also made it possible to see works of art, such as video, photography, ...
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Monday, September 1, 2014
6 Projects, Frontier of Digital Art (video)
Digital Revolution Trailer from Barbican Centre on Vimeo.
Discover the rise of digital creativity across the arts in this immersive exhibition of art, design, film, music and videogames.
3 July - 14 Sept, Barbican Centre, London.
Music by Maribel Tafur
6 Projects From the Frontier of Digital Art | Design | WIRED: "....Digital art, or rather digital creativity, as lead curator Conrad Bodman likes to refer to it, has only recently begun gaining widespread institutional recognition. In 2012 the MoMA acquired its first series of videogames (including Tetris and Pac-Man). Scores of museums and galleries have featured one-off interactive installations. Traveling back even further you can find examples like the SF MoMA’s 010101 exhibition from 2001, which looked at digital technologies. And for its part, the Barbican has been championing the field for more than a decade, most notably with its 2002 exhibition Game On, which explores the culture and history of videogames. Digital Revolution is a continuation of these efforts, albeit on a much larger scale. “There really hasn’t been a show that looked at digital creativity very broadly,” Bodman explains. ”When I did Game On, people were very not very accepting of the fact that digital culture could be shown in a cultural space.”..."
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Monday, August 25, 2014
Hands-on world of digital art
Go on, touch it. The hands-on world of digital art - "...."The Brainwriter" uses an EEG or brainwave sensor and eye-tracking technology to enable the fully paralysed to draw and communicate." It is an extension of an earlier project, "The Eyewriter," that Not Impossible made for graffiti artist TemptOne to allow him to draw again despite suffering from the neuro-degenerative condition, motor neurone disease.
"He started being able to communicate and started making art with his eye movements including a sculpture," said one of the designers, David Putrino. When he started to lose the ability to blink, Not Impossible came up with "The Brainwriter" to allow him to communicate by thought alone.
"We are interested in the idea of technology for the sake of humanity," Mike Ebeling, Not Impossible CEO said. "All these examples [in this exhibition] are seeds and we think about how we can reapply them for fundamental social need.
"It's a playground ... and we ask ourselves, 'How can we hack that?'"" (read more at link above)
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Monday, August 18, 2014
FRAMED, Immerse Viewers In Digital Artwork
FRAMED Immerses Viewers In Digital Artwork | TechCrunch: "Created by Japanese startup FRM, FRAMED has far surpassed its funding goal of $75,000 on Kickstarter (it is currently at almost $262,000, with the campaign set to end on August 20) and is scheduled to ship in March 2015. Money raised will be used to cover tooling and finalize fixtures for FRAMED." (read more at link above)
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Monday, August 11, 2014
Do We Know What We See?
Do We Know What We See? An Experiment Sows Doubt - WSJ: "Here's another possibility. We know that people can extract some information from images they can't actually see—in subliminal perception, for example. Perhaps you processed the letters unconsciously, but you didn't actually see them until you heard the cue. Or perhaps you just saw blurred fragments of the letters.
Prof. Block describes many complex and subtle further experiments designed to distinguish these options, and he concludes that we do see more than we remember.
But however the debate gets resolved, the real moral is the same. We don't actually know what we see at all! You can do the Sperling experiment hundreds of times and still not be sure whether you saw the letters. Philosophers sometimes argue that our conscious experience can't be doubted because it feels so immediate and certain. But scientists tell us that feeling is an illusion, too." (read more at link above)
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Monday, August 4, 2014
Glitch art, digital photography
"... In his Instagram account, Maaz shows off a number of pictures that he gave the glitch treatment... I discovered a whole glitch art subculture that is present not only on dedicated websites, but also on Tumblr and Flickr. Glitch art: bringing the “digital” back into digital photography: If we've piqued your interest in this art form, there are numerous resources available online. Besides the two apps mentioned above, there's a dedicated website that lets you upload an image and subject it to the glitch treatment by varying multiple parameters. For more, we recommend you consult the Glitch Wiki, which is a great source to find out more about the glitch art community and ways to create your own glitch art. (read more at the source: Glitch art: bringing the “digital” back into digital photography)
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Monday, July 28, 2014
GoPro Strategy, More Than a Camera Maker (video)
GoPro’s Strategy Is to Be More Than a Camera Maker: Video - Bloomberg:
(Allow video to load after clicking play or go to link above)
On “BWest Byte,” reports on the performance of GoPro’s stock on “Bloomberg West.” (Source: Bloomberg July15)
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(Allow video to load after clicking play or go to link above)
On “BWest Byte,” reports on the performance of GoPro’s stock on “Bloomberg West.” (Source: Bloomberg July15)
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Monday, July 21, 2014
Instagram Photo-Editing System
For Instagram, a Photo-Editing System of Uncommon Power - "The service is rolling out a set of powerful new tools to let users quickly and easily enhance the images they post for others to cry over. Unlike the Polaroid-style photo filters that have been a hallmark of Instagram since it was founded in 2010, the new tools allow users to minutely customize a picture’s brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows and several other imaging characteristics using intuitive on-screen controls."
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Monday, July 14, 2014
Google Robots, Modern Photography
Google’s Robots Are Solving the Biggest Problem in Modern Photography | Gadget Lab | WIRED: " . . . . Still, even with the missteps (which are easily corrected), Stories are exquisite. This is Google doing what it does best: organizing all the world’s information in a very literal sense. It’s taking your past, putting it together into a narrative, and rescuing it from the tyranny of file folders."
Official Google Blog: Google+ Stories and Movies: memories made easier: "To get started with Stories and Movies, simply back up your photos and videos to Google+. And that’s it. Auto Awesome will get to work in the background, and you’ll get notified when a story or movie is ready. In fact: if your photo library is already online, you may already have stories waiting for you. So look for the new app in Google Play, view the full list of improvements on Google+, and enjoy your walks down memory lane."
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Official Google Blog: Google+ Stories and Movies: memories made easier: "To get started with Stories and Movies, simply back up your photos and videos to Google+. And that’s it. Auto Awesome will get to work in the background, and you’ll get notified when a story or movie is ready. In fact: if your photo library is already online, you may already have stories waiting for you. So look for the new app in Google Play, view the full list of improvements on Google+, and enjoy your walks down memory lane."
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Monday, July 7, 2014
Patatap, online animation and sound
Patatap: Patatap is a portable animation and sound kit. With the touch of a finger create melodies charged with moving shapes. Warning: contains flashing images.
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Monday, June 30, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
Stock Photo Agency, Photographs, Compilation, copyright
Stock Photo Agency Need Not List All Photographs in Its Compilation | McDermott Will & Emery - JDSupra: " . . . There has been a spate of disputes between photographers and stock photo agencies against textbook publishers in which publishers are alleged to have used images beyond the scope of the applicable license. In this case the district court cited § 409 in dismissing a complaint filed by Alaska Stock against publisher Houghton Mifflin, concluding that compilation applications for copyright must list all authors. Alaska Stock appealed. In the appeal, the Copyright Office submitted an amicus brief, in which it took the position that § 409 did not require identification of the authors of all the individual works included in a compilation. Rather the Copyright Office explained that for over 30 years it has interpreted § 409 as requiring only that the author of the collective work, not the individual authors of the separate works, be included in the application...." (read more at the link above)
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Monday, June 16, 2014
Decoding Meaning, Computer-based Art
Decoding the meaning of computer-based art: "Digital Spring has arrived in Montreal, and there are many opportunities to discover what is meant by digital art and to judge for oneself whether computer-based art can shed its qualifiers....“The idea of BIAN was to introduce ourselves to the visual arts milieu and create a dialogue with it,” Thibault said in an interview. “In a few years, we want to talk not about digital art, but about art.” It makes sense that any technology must be mastered and be freely manipulable before it can transform ideas into art. If we can’t decide this month whether digital art is meaningful — or just a show of technical skill — we aren’t trying. Two museums, the Phi Centre, the Society for Arts and Technology, several artist-run centres and Maisons de la culture fill BIAN’s 34-page catalogue with events and exhibitions. In addition, many of BIAN’s participants — including Elektra, which organized it — are holding events that aren’t part of the biennial, but are included in what a group of tourism-inclined elected officials have named Montreal’s Digital Spring. Everything is noted on the BIAN website, which has links to the collaborating institutions and organizations....There will also be outdoor installations in the Quartier des spectacles. First up is a series of video projections on the façades of buildings to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of filmmaker Norman McLaren. The International Digital Arts Biennial continues to June 19. For more information, visit
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Monday, June 9, 2014
Science, Art, Digital Lithography
Science meets art in digital lithography - "...Unlike traditional lithography, which uses stone and press, these prints are digitally rendered and printed. This process is called digital lithography. The paper used is 200-year archival ink and acid free cold press archival print paper. Anita Peghini-Räber Gallery shows Patricia Fisher's Artist Proofs, which is the process of carefully monitored lithographs in the making by the artist. Each AP is unique. Fisher then prints 25 additional numbered lithographs, which are hand signed...." (read more at link above)
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Monday, June 2, 2014
Andy Warhol, Digital Works
Discovery of digital works by Andy Warhol | AMA | Art Media Agency: " . . . . The files were created by Andy Warhol in 1985 as part of the Commodore Amiga Computer drawing program, an initiative created by the Commodore society in the interest of promoting the graphic possibilities offered by its product, the Amiga 1000 computer. The group recovered around twenty files spread between forty-one floppy disks, twelve of which retained Andy Warhol’s signature and unique style, despite their retro appearance and pixelated quality. Of the images recovered, a number can currently be viewed online, including: a sketch of the iconic Campbell’s soup can, reproduced by a software programme pre-dating Paint; a digitally altered version of Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, to which Warhol adds a third eye; a self-portrait mixing psychedelic textures; and a collection of reworked photographs. According to the Andy Warhol Museum, the files serve as evidence of Warhol’s commitment to exploring new technologies. Cory Arcangel, the driving force behind the project, said: “What’s amazing is that by looking at these images, we can see how quickly Warhol seemed to intuit the essence of what it meant to express oneself, in what then was a brand-new medium: the digital.”..." (read more at the link above)
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Monday, May 26, 2014
Is Digital Culture Hurting Art?
Five key questions – and answers – about how digital culture is hurting art:. " . . . look at the way other kinds of hierarchies carry over from the offline to the online realms. For art and culture makers, the Internet is far from the meritocracy many imagined it would be. Material inequities, stemming from socioeconomic status and gender, affect who is able to participate online. Money and celebrity still dictate who gets attention (front page placement isn’t cheap and neither is a tweet from an A-list star). And algorithms, which tend to show us more of what we’ve already “liked,” and reinforce the already familiar, don’t always help matters. There are many ways in which the digital sphere is less democratic and diverse than we might want...." (read more at the link above)
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Monday, May 19, 2014
Google Camera Lens Blur Feature
Get The Most Out Of Google Camera's Lens Blur Feature: "...In simple words, Lens Blur creates the same effect as an SLR does by focusing on the object in the foreground and blurring the background. But unlike an SLR, using Google Camera does not mean forking out a couple hundred dollars on an expensive lens. Google Camera does this by using math....And you should handle the blur tool with as much care as possible. The default blur level being about 20% is the sweet spot. Over doing it means messing up the borders between the subject and the background as going from clear to so much blur is not something a simple camera app can handle well."
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Monday, May 12, 2014
Lytro Targets Professional Camera Market With Illum (video)
Lytro Targets Professional Camera Market With Illum: Video - Bloomberg:
(Allow video to load after clicking play)
Lytro CEO Jason Rosenthal discusses the company’s new high-tech camera. He speaks with Emily Chang on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg April 25)
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Lytro CEO Jason Rosenthal discusses the company’s new high-tech camera. He speaks with Emily Chang on Bloomberg Television's "Bloomberg West." (Source: Bloomberg April 25)
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Monday, May 5, 2014
Google Camera, Android App on Google Play
Google Camera - Android Apps on Google Play: "Description
Google Camera snaps quick and easy photos and videos, and has creative picture modes like Photo Sphere, Lens Blur and Panorama.
• Photo Spheres for immersive 360º views
• Lens Blur mode for SLR-like photos with shallow depth of field
• Panorama mode with high resolution
• 100% viewfinder for getting the maximum resolution from the sensor (no dropped pixels)
• Updated UI that gets out of your way and is centered on an extra large capture button
• Works on phones and tablets running Android 4.4+ KitKat"
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Monday, April 28, 2014
Perception, Reality, Photography
Your reality is 15 seconds in the making - Quartz: "the image people saw most recently was the one they were most likely to remember. However, they tended to make slight errors in the angle of the lines, which were influenced by the previous three images, each to a lessening degree. For example, if the last image they saw was tilted 45 degrees to the right, but the three before it had been tilted to the left, the subject would perceive the rightward tilt to be less than 45 degrees. This suggested that when our eyes record the present moment, our brain perceives a smearing of recent activity rather than a frozen frame of time." (read more at link above)
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Monday, April 21, 2014
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Digital Arts Panorama (video)
SFPUC Digital Arts Panorama from Obscura Digital on Vimeo.
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Digital Arts Panorama is a seamless curved digital canvas that provides an interactive educational experience for the public and provides an infrastructure that allows new content experiences to be continually updated in the future. The Digital Arts Panorama stands 4’ tall by 58’ long, with a resolution 24,000 pixels wide, and is comprised of live data, graphic visualizations, an interactive platform, and ambient music.
The permanent installation turns the building lobby into a real-time dashboard about what the Public Utilities Commission is doing and how its LEED Platinum certified building is performing. Gesture based real-time news populates on the screen as visitors interact with this dynamic and intelligent system.
Obscura Digital designed and engineered 4-custom unique interactive experiences with motion responsive visuals and sound effects for the Digital Arts Wall including: ‘Snowfall to Outfall’, ‘Media Stream’, ‘Dashboard’ and “Interactive Art Mode”. Each content experience provides an educational and entertaining platform for SFPUC employees and visitors including hundreds of school children to learn more about the history, art, current-issues and future goals of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
This innovative, exciting, interactive educational art piece is a dynamic outreach tool for the San Francisco community, open to the public during regular SFPUC business hours.
digital art/digital photography news briefs:
Arts briefs: Digital painting now part of CMA collection
The State
Chef Vivian Howard, the subject of SCETV's 'A Chef's Life.' The program won a Peabody Award for best in electronic media for 2013 and is nominated ...
Getting analog art to digital
I guess I'm asking is all art for games done electronically? Does she need to suck it up and learn Photoshop (which is fine! We just don't wont to wait ...
The MagMod Speedlight Modifier - a Review - Digital Photography School
By Jeff Guyer
The MagMod magnetic speedlight modifier solves many of the problems photographersface with traditional speedlight grid and gel systems.
Digital Photography School
Monday, April 14, 2014
NODE10, Forum for Digital Arts (video)
NODE10 - Forum for Digital Arts, Documentary from NODE Forum for Digital Arts on Vimeo.
This is the official documentation video of
NODE10 - Forum for Digital Arts, November 2010, Frankfurt, Germany
The purpose of NODE is to facilitate the exchange between art, design and engineering in interactive and generative media. The 'NODE - Forum for Digital Arts' emerged in 2008 from an initiative of developers and users of the graphical programming language vvvv (
At first, NODE was meant to support the community of people using vvvv to create artistic and creative software projects, but it quickly changed into an international forum for knowledge exchange between designers, artists and engineers of various fields believing in the powers of programming and digital technologies.
The second edition was held in November 2010 in cooperation with the Frankfurter Kunstverein ( Through the exhibition and lecture panel 'abstrakt Abstrakt - the systematized world' (curated by Marius Watz & Eno Henze) we seeked to analyze the nature and effect of abstraction systems.
With an unbelievable longlist of vvvv workshops we made heads spinning and with the performances we created astonishment. NODE10 was a week long highly creative rush of discussions, theoretical and practical lectures, workshops, presentations and events.
Thanks everybody who made this week in November 2010 such a good time.
Festival Direction - David Brüll
Managing Director - Ingolf Heinsch
Organisation Assistent - Valérie-Françoise Vogt
Curation - Eno Henze, Marius Watz
This video: Judith Holzer. Sound by Jakob Korn ( & Nu
Trailer: by Strukt)
Technical Direction - Markus Berger & Björn Schwarzer
Workshop coordination - Joreg (vvvv group)
Local PR - Hans Romanov
Design, Motion Design, Stage Direction: Thomas Hitthaler & Andreas Koller (Strukt)
+ many many more
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Monday, April 7, 2014
Digital photography and projection replace celluloid and analog projection
"....2012 is the year that the word 'film' officially becomes an anachronism" as digital photography and projection replace celluloid and analog projection. For another, "the ongoing tension between theatrical release and digital video-on-demand on multiple platforms" (cable, iTunes, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon) suggests that seeing a movie in a theater soon may be an anachronism as well. Add to the equation the escalating quality and popularity of episodic television and there are some who doubt the future of feature film....." (source infra) Read more at --
In the actor's view, "The trouble with movies as a business is that it's an art ... as digital photography and projection replace celluloid and analog projection. ... To screen 3-D product, theaters must replace film projectors with Digital ...
ART: Young and fired up
New Straits Times
... between 22 and 23. But between them they possess a variety of skills: in photography,digital art and mixed media. I think to myself, kids these days....
Mixing art and photography
Times of India
And of course, since my father was into photography, I have a deeper connection with this," smiles ... But this art form has its critics. ... "It isn't digital art....
Monday, March 31, 2014
Beauty of an Illusion | digital art | Franziskus Pfleghart (video)
Beauty of an Illusion | digital art | Franziskus Pfleghart |"
Beauty of an Illusion | digital art | Franziskus Pfleghart (video)
Published on Mar 23, 2014
Beauty of an Illusion | digital art | Franziskus Pfleghart (video)
Published on Mar 23, 2014
Monday, March 24, 2014
Making Art from Digital Data
Making Art from Digital Data | Euromaxx
Sergio Albiac is an artist based in Barcelona who specializes in combining his art with his computer background to come up with unique portraits of people using digital data.
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Monday, March 17, 2014
Digital Light Revolution, World Without Shadows (video)
Digital Light Revolution: A World Without Shadows: Video - Bloomberg: "Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Light is the last analog technology from the industrial age, everything else has gone digital: the phonograph, movies, telephones. So why not light? Fred Maxik, the founder of Lighting Science, is hoping to lead a digital light revolution with his LED light bulbs. Lights that help you fall asleep and lights that digitally fill in shadows are just some of the inventions he has come up with. Bloomberg's Erik Schatzker went down to Lighting Science's headquarters to get a look at Maxik's light research lab, where he got an up-close look at the coming digital revolution. (Source: Bloomberg)"
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Monday, March 10, 2014
Adobe Photoshop Veteran John Nack Moves To Google Digital Photo Team
Adobe Photoshop Veteran John Nack Moves To Google To Work On Digital Photo Team | TechCrunch: "Google, of course, has been making an intense effort to shore up the capabilities of its Google+ photo suite. The platform now does an insane amount of cloud processing on photographs to edit and enhance them — something Nack could doubtless aid them with.
Google’s recent acquisition of Snapseed gave it a great core of edit tools to work with and its absorption of Picasa into Google+ has made for an expansive and robust online photo solution. For a lot of folks I speak to, Google+ photos is a reason to use Google+ at all — something that many have been struggling with since its inception.
It seems Google is pulling the thread further on creating a definitive online editing suite and repository for photos. Provided you’re comfortable boarding the Google+ train that is."
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Monday, March 3, 2014
Fine Art Photography collecting (video)
Fine Art Photography collecting video above
Photography collector Evan Mirapaul explains how to collect fine-art in emerging markets.
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Monday, February 24, 2014
Peter Essick's book, "Our Beautiful, Fragile World;" Film Photography
Stunning photography of man's mightiest shame
Ars Technica
Indeed, Essick's matter-of-fact voice lets the reader draw their emotional response from the photos and their relationship to the story. The strongest are ...

Ars Technica
Video Tries to Explain Film Photography to Modern Kids
Is photography dying?
Indeed, Essick's matter-of-fact voice lets the reader draw their emotional response from the photos and their relationship to the story. The strongest are ...
Ars Technica
Video Tries to Explain Film Photography to Modern Kids
Video Tries to Explain Film Photography to Modern Kids ... And though it took a few years before a digital camera became a household item, ... “It used to be you could only take as many photos as you had room on this film stuff...

Video Tries to Explain Film Photography to Modern Kids ... And though it took a few years before a digital camera became a household item, ... “It used to be you could only take as many photos as you had room on this film stuff...
If you look at camera phone photography from a globalisation lens, you ...Camera phones are just losing out on pixels but it's not destroying the art. ...Instagram and Snapchat, people are now using photos to tell their stories. ...Kallivalappil: Owning a camera doesn't make you a good photographer.
Art show showcasing photos of life inside a Route 66 motel planned ...
If you look at camera phone photography from a globalisation lens, you ...Camera phones are just losing out on pixels but it's not destroying the art. ...Instagram and Snapchat, people are now using photos to tell their stories. ...Kallivalappil: Owning a camera doesn't make you a good photographer.
Art show showcasing photos of life inside a Route 66 motel planned ...
Daily Journal
OKLAHOMA CITY — The revival of Route 66 has led to a fascination with the exterior of the many motels that line the historic highway, but one Tulsa ...
OKLAHOMA CITY — The revival of Route 66 has led to a fascination with the exterior of the many motels that line the historic highway, but one Tulsa ...
Monday, February 17, 2014
Sports photography tips, Panoramic shots
Sports photography tips from a pro
... on Sports Photography: A Sports Illustrated Photographer's Tips, Tricks and Tales on ... how to improve their sports photos by following a few of his common sense tips. ... Step up to a camera with manual controls and a good zoom.
Quick photography workshop: Panoramic shots
Thankfully, there is a solution to this -- panoramic photography. Simply put, panoramic photography enables you to capture a wide view of a landscape.... Thanks to advancement in camera technology, this feature is now built into a ... ISO setting: Set it low so you won't get grainy photos -- 100 is best.

Apple iPhone 5 For Travel Photography
... on Sports Photography: A Sports Illustrated Photographer's Tips, Tricks and Tales on ... how to improve their sports photos by following a few of his common sense tips. ... Step up to a camera with manual controls and a good zoom.
Quick photography workshop: Panoramic shots
Thankfully, there is a solution to this -- panoramic photography. Simply put, panoramic photography enables you to capture a wide view of a landscape.... Thanks to advancement in camera technology, this feature is now built into a ... ISO setting: Set it low so you won't get grainy photos -- 100 is best.
Apple iPhone 5 For Travel Photography
Society and Religion
So here I was with a camera bag full of great cameras ready to go. ... By 2 am, I had finished editing a final handful of photos that I was happy with. ...come from 20% of your efforts”, and I think it's the perfect fit for iPhone photography.

Society and Religion
Follow @jmpPLUS
So here I was with a camera bag full of great cameras ready to go. ... By 2 am, I had finished editing a final handful of photos that I was happy with. ...come from 20% of your efforts”, and I think it's the perfect fit for iPhone photography.
Society and Religion
Follow @jmpPLUS
Monday, February 10, 2014
iPhone photography, Nature photography
The Art of iPhone Photography book review
Ask an Expert: Nature photography
In that regard, The Art of iPhone Photography from Rocky Nook is almost as important ... I knew my iPhone 5 has a pretty solid camera, but I had no idea it was ... Of course, this is partially because I'm not a photographer. ... can sometimes spot a photo op that others may miss, but turning photos into art?

In that regard, The Art of iPhone Photography from Rocky Nook is almost as important ... I knew my iPhone 5 has a pretty solid camera, but I had no idea it was ... Of course, this is partially because I'm not a photographer. ... can sometimes spot a photo op that others may miss, but turning photos into art?
Ask an Expert: Nature photography
Florida Times-Union
The answer might surprise you, but it's not really the camera you have, it's what you ... That's what photography is all about, chasing the light. ... Dickey is an award-winning photographer and sells his nature photos on his website, ...

Florida Times-Union
The 18 Best Washington Photos of 2013
The answer might surprise you, but it's not really the camera you have, it's what you ... That's what photography is all about, chasing the light. ... Dickey is an award-winning photographer and sells his nature photos on his website, ...
Florida Times-Union
The 18 Best Washington Photos of 2013
Monday, February 3, 2014
Fashion Photography, Forensics, Photography news
Fashion Photography With the Sony RX1, A Little Beast of a Camera
I am a 23-year-old photographer who moved to Chicago from Nigeria 6 years ago. ... I shoot mostly fashion photography, and female models. ... I don't even add sharpening in post, because the photos come out nice and sharp.

Forensic photography expert HMR Perera talks about his life and ...
I am a 23-year-old photographer who moved to Chicago from Nigeria 6 years ago. ... I shoot mostly fashion photography, and female models. ... I don't even add sharpening in post, because the photos come out nice and sharp.
Forensic photography expert HMR Perera talks about his life and ... - The Nation Newspaper
Even though forensic photography is not widely spoken about subject in Sri Lanka ... forensic photography has been around almost as long as thecamera itself. ... According to Perera, a fine art photographer should also have a good ... - The Nation Newspaper
Apple acquires photography startup SnappyLabs
Even though forensic photography is not widely spoken about subject in Sri Lanka ... forensic photography has been around almost as long as thecamera itself. ... According to Perera, a fine art photographer should also have a good ... - The Nation Newspaper
Apple acquires photography startup SnappyLabs
Network World
... The Art of Networking, The Best Microsoft Videos, The Cisco Connection ...The most recent acquisition comes in the form of a photography startup ... to make the iPhone's camera take full-resolution photos at 20 to 30 frames per... SnappyCam, the fastest smartphone camera app on Earth, today gets a ...

Japan and Early Photography: Ogawa Kazumasa and Japanese ...
... The Art of Networking, The Best Microsoft Videos, The Cisco Connection ...The most recent acquisition comes in the form of a photography startup ... to make the iPhone's camera take full-resolution photos at 20 to 30 frames per... SnappyCam, the fastest smartphone camera app on Earth, today gets a ...
Japan and Early Photography: Ogawa Kazumasa and Japanese ...
Modern Tokyo Times
The photography of Ogawa Kazumasa in this article is based on images of ...These photos also connect with the “mysterious world” of parts of Kyoto ...

Modern Tokyo Times
The photography of Ogawa Kazumasa in this article is based on images of ...These photos also connect with the “mysterious world” of parts of Kyoto ...
Modern Tokyo Times
The camera becomes a revolutionary tool—and filming a mode of truth-telling.... On a visit to the Brooklyn Museum's exhibition, “WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: ...Inundated with so many distressing photos, how else can I look at them ...“I'm gathering evidence for history, so that we remember,” photographer ...

Quick photography workshop: Motion blur shots
The camera becomes a revolutionary tool—and filming a mode of truth-telling.... On a visit to the Brooklyn Museum's exhibition, “WAR/PHOTOGRAPHY: ...Inundated with so many distressing photos, how else can I look at them ...“I'm gathering evidence for history, so that we remember,” photographer ...
Quick photography workshop: Motion blur shots
All you need is just a tripod and either a standard dSLR or advanced compactcamera and you will be well on your way to playing with movement.

Follow @jmpPLUS
All you need is just a tripod and either a standard dSLR or advanced compactcamera and you will be well on your way to playing with movement.
Follow @jmpPLUS
Monday, January 27, 2014
Macro Photography, Photo Equipment in Cold Weather
Quick photography workshop: Macro shots
Known as macro shots, this type of photography produces images where the... In turn, this allows the photographer to capture a highly-detailed image of a small subject. ... to enter the camera, hence reducing the risk of underexposing your photos, something you want to avoid in macrophotography.

How to ... protect photography equipment in cold weather
Known as macro shots, this type of photography produces images where the... In turn, this allows the photographer to capture a highly-detailed image of a small subject. ... to enter the camera, hence reducing the risk of underexposing your photos, something you want to avoid in macrophotography.
How to ... protect photography equipment in cold weather
Minneapolis Star Tribune
How to ... protect photography equipment in cold weather ... When I first began my career as a wildlife photographer, my cameras were powered by ...Check your owners manual to see if lithium batteries work in your camera. ...Click here to send us your hunting or fishing photos – and to see what others ...

Minneapolis Star Tribune
Chicago Photography Center Moves to Church on Belmont
How to ... protect photography equipment in cold weather ... When I first began my career as a wildlife photographer, my cameras were powered by ...Check your owners manual to see if lithium batteries work in your camera. ...Click here to send us your hunting or fishing photos – and to see what others ...
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Chicago Photography Center Moves to Church on Belmont
The nonprofit with photo classes, a gallery and photography critique sessions left its original location at 3301 N. Lincoln Ave. at the end of 2013 due to ...
The nonprofit with photo classes, a gallery and photography critique sessions left its original location at 3301 N. Lincoln Ave. at the end of 2013 due to ...
Monday, January 20, 2014
Fashion Photography, Street Photography, Beginning Photography
Condé Nast fashion photography archives to go on display in Paris
Try your hand at street photography
The Malay Mail Online
Around 150 photography prints from Condé Nast's archives in New York, Paris, ... In 1913, Condé Nast hired him in New York as a full-timephotographer for ... Following how fashion photography has evolved since de Meyer's days, ...

The Malay Mail Online
Around 150 photography prints from Condé Nast's archives in New York, Paris, ... In 1913, Condé Nast hired him in New York as a full-timephotographer for ... Following how fashion photography has evolved since de Meyer's days, ...
The Malay Mail Online
Try your hand at street photography
The Guardian
Your clothes mustn't interfere with the photography, which means no gloves or umbrellas, and no ... I recommend getting hold of an SLR camera....

The Guardian
Your clothes mustn't interfere with the photography, which means no gloves or umbrellas, and no ... I recommend getting hold of an SLR camera....
The Guardian
Photography for beginners
Monday, January 13, 2014
Photography, Drones, Gratitude, Latin America
Welcome to my world: a photography tour through Latin America
Drone photography develops as the new frontier of journalism
The Guardian
... Sean O'Hagan plunges into 50 years of Latin America in a vast photography show ... and the "exotic" as well as critiquing the male-dominant gaze of western art. ... that it often took considerable nerve to take to the streets with a camera....

The Guardian
Photography Tips for a Daily Practice of Gratitude
... Sean O'Hagan plunges into 50 years of Latin America in a vast photography show ... and the "exotic" as well as critiquing the male-dominant gaze of western art. ... that it often took considerable nerve to take to the streets with a camera....
The Guardian
Photography Tips for a Daily Practice of Gratitude
Photography for me has become an invaluable tool, not only in self-expression and creativity, but also as a daily practice of gratitude. Using my camera as a way ...

Photography for me has become an invaluable tool, not only in self-expression and creativity, but also as a daily practice of gratitude. Using my camera as a way ...
Drone photography develops as the new frontier of journalism
South China Morning Post
Drone photography develops as the new frontier of journalism ... by Typhoon Haiyan was from the air, according to British photographer Lewis Whyld. But Whyld ...
Photography 2013: Inventing Perspective
Drone photography develops as the new frontier of journalism ... by Typhoon Haiyan was from the air, according to British photographer Lewis Whyld. But Whyld ...
Photography 2013: Inventing Perspective
Scale and perspective are pervasive issues in the realm of fine art photography. The exhibition presents experimental works using photographic mediums that ...

McMillen Fine Art Photography eyeing one-year anniversary
Scale and perspective are pervasive issues in the realm of fine art photography. The exhibition presents experimental works using photographic mediums that ...
McMillen Fine Art Photography eyeing one-year anniversary
Park Record
McMillen Fine Art Photography's award-winning piece "Moody Blues" is one of the works that will... Fine Art Photographer at the Redstone Center at Kimball Junction one year ago. ... The photos were awarded bronze and silver, respectively.
McMillen Fine Art Photography's award-winning piece "Moody Blues" is one of the works that will... Fine Art Photographer at the Redstone Center at Kimball Junction one year ago. ... The photos were awarded bronze and silver, respectively.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Art Photography, Panono Camera
Art photography by Abelardo Morell - La Gente Newsmagazine
Roberta Terra
By using the earlier techniques of photography, such as Camera Obscura, ... photography, and for those reasons he became an artist photographer who ... What is most interesting about Morell's work is the way he develops his photos' themes, ...
La Gente Newsmagazine - University of California, Los Angeles
Throw the Spherical Panono Camera in the Sky and Watch it Take ...
Photography and Psychology: It's All a Mind Game
By using the earlier techniques of photography, such as Camera Obscura, ... photography, and for those reasons he became an artist photographer who ... What is most interesting about Morell's work is the way he develops his photos' themes, ...
La Gente Newsmagazine - University of California, Los Angeles
Throw the Spherical Panono Camera in the Sky and Watch it Take ...
It is the Panono Camera, which is a ball containing 36 2.0-megapixel lenses that ... an entirely new panoramic-photography experience, one that can finally include ... that includes everyone—even the photographer—in a blur-free panoramic image." ... These Circular Shots Are Some of the First Amateur Photos Ever Taken.

Newstalk 106-108 fm
It is the Panono Camera, which is a ball containing 36 2.0-megapixel lenses that ... an entirely new panoramic-photography experience, one that can finally include ... that includes everyone—even the photographer—in a blur-free panoramic image." ... These Circular Shots Are Some of the First Amateur Photos Ever Taken.
Newstalk 106-108 fm
Photography and Psychology: It's All a Mind Game
Huffington Post
How many times have you looked at the work of a photographer and thought .... on the other end of the continuum is fine art and abstract photography - here, the ...
How many times have you looked at the work of a photographer and thought .... on the other end of the continuum is fine art and abstract photography - here, the ...
The Box - How To Build, Light & Shoot A Photography Set On A ...
The Box - How To Build, Light & Shoot A Photography Set On A Budget .... Richard Terborg is a Dutch conceptual portrait, fashion and fine-art photographer. ... Photographer Flashes Camera ... -DIY Photography and Studio Lighting
The Box - How To Build, Light & Shoot A Photography Set On A Budget .... Richard Terborg is a Dutch conceptual portrait, fashion and fine-art photographer. ... Photographer Flashes Camera ... -DIY Photography and Studio Lighting
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