Digital Revolution Trailer from
Barbican Centre on
Discover the rise of digital creativity across the arts in this immersive exhibition of art, design, film, music and videogames.
3 July - 14 Sept, Barbican Centre, London.
Music by Maribel Tafur
6 Projects From the Frontier of Digital Art | Design | WIRED: "....Digital art, or rather digital creativity, as lead curator Conrad Bodman likes to refer to it, has only recently begun gaining widespread institutional recognition. In 2012 the MoMA acquired its first series of videogames (including Tetris and Pac-Man). Scores of museums and galleries have featured one-off interactive installations. Traveling back even further you can find examples like the SF MoMA’s 010101 exhibition from 2001, which looked at digital technologies. And for its part, the Barbican has been championing the field for more than a decade, most notably with its 2002 exhibition Game On, which explores the culture and history of videogames. Digital Revolution is a continuation of these efforts, albeit on a much larger scale. “There really hasn’t been a show that looked at digital creativity very broadly,” Bodman explains. ”When I did Game On, people were very not very accepting of the fact that digital culture could be shown in a cultural space.”..."